I remember back about a decade ago when health savings accounts were a thing. Then they weren’t a thing. Now they are a thing again.
The Risk of Avoiding Risk
Why Weren’t We In Qatar?
Why Stay Invested (When We Know Markets Are Going Down)?
Tall Tales from the Investment World’s Top Experts
Where Have I Seen This Before?
We’ve been through this before. We’re going through it now. We’ll go through it again. It stinks, folks. I’m not going to sugarcoat it at all. It stinks to watch the market tumble hundreds of points day after day. It stinks to take a look at your portfolio and watch that value sink day after day. We find comfort in the faith that markets will recover, along with our account balances, but it still stinks.
Social Security and Other Myths
Your Year-End Financial Checklist
A Question of Equilibrium
The Storm After the Storm: How to Protect Yourself Against Natural Disaster Scams
New Book Provides Financial Guidance for Parents of a Mentally Ill Child
When Mental Illness Strikes: Crisis Intervention for the Financial Plan
And the Estate Planning Award Goes to …
Winning Stage Races
Alternative Reality
Diversification has been called the only free lunch in investing. This idea is based on research showing that diversification, through a combination of assets like stocks and bonds, could reduce risk without reducing expected return, or could increase expected return without increasing risk compared to those individual assets alone.